Le site est magnifique !!! Les portées à venir le seront aussi forcément !!! Bonne continuation dans cette belle aventure!!
Cindy - Une fan du mâtin!!!!
Congratulations on winning photo!
I thought it was Kro when I voted for this winning photo on the club website! Beautiful portrait photo Chrystelle... bravo on the best picture (and most handsome male)
your friend in USA, Lori
Superbe chiens
Slt les chiens sont vraiment super beau et j'éspere que tout cela vas continuer
Greetings from Finland
Hi there!
Very nice mastiffs you have! Bitch looks very nice and her pedigree is quit interesting.
I have three mastiffs, in home Fantastico Tornado Erben and Nelly Tornado Erben, who just moved to live with us. With my sister lives female Startail´s Illusion.
Keep on going good work and let us know if you will have puppies with your female :).
Sincerely Yours, Mari from Finland.
beau petit bouton elle va s epanouire et deviendra je le souhaite une jolie plante